Invitation to the dark side Sweet Maria


Invitation to the dark side.
“The concept of the video is that you are playing the role of my girlfriend/wife/whatever. You are a heavy smoker and I am a non-smoker with a fetish for beautiful women smokers that has led to us having a very good time together. At the start of the video it is disclosed that this week your step-mother and aunt have both been diagnosed with lung cancer and I am freaked out by it; for the first time, I am realizing that as much as I love watching you smoke, I hadn’t actually considered that the “risks” of smoking are more like certainties if you don’t quit.

You realize I have been in denial about the health consequences of smoking and decide now is the time to disclose that you actually have developed a dark-side affinity for smoking – that you’ve been able to find pleasure not just in the good parts of smoking but from the consequences as well. You tell me about your transition out of denial and into acceptance and how that has allowed you to enjoy smoking even more. Finally, you ask me to join you in the dark side, walking me through the transition from enjoying the glamour side of smoking to the dark side and how easy it will be for me. I have really enjoyed the pregnancy videos you’ve done lately as well. If you could incorporate the pregnancy outfit as well, I think it might add something too but if not, no worries.”

Date: September 19, 2023
Actors: Sweet Maria

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