Group Scenes 32 opens with a trio scene featuring Elin, Sandi and Dana, followed by a scene in the break room with Amanda, Tracie, Kellie and Lacie. Elin, Sandi and Dana return for another trio, there are then duo scenes with Kellie and Tyra, Frannie and Tyra, Bethany and Tina, Kassie and Micki (with Kassie putting on her own makeup and helping Micki with hers) and finally another duo with Frannie and Tyra. As in most group scenes videos, the smoking is mostly straightforward, but throughout there are a number of mouth/nose exhales and talking exhales, plus a few snaps scattered throughout. You will see the girls enjoy Marlboro Lights 100s (regular and menthol), Newport 100s, and Marlboro 100s (Reds and menthol), and use lighters for lightups. The on-topic dialogue in this video is also very good.
Date: September 3, 2023
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