Helen: Nicotine And Smoking Tricks


This is the third video of Helen, a British model in her forties and an experienced heavy smoker for 25 years. Her intense drags are preceded with sophisticated smoking tricks, like her intense triple French inhales using her own recycled smoke. She smokes 7 cigarettes in this video and one can easily see that this woman has a serious need for nicotine.

Helen is interviewed on the first scene, covering real stories about her serious nicotine cravings as a teenager, and later talking about her feelings to her addiction, arguing why nicotine is such a necessary pleasure for her. Along the interview she smokes three cigs with absolute devotion, displaying all her tricks on the book as well as residual exhales while talking.

Along the next 3 scenes, Helen speed-smokes wearing several sexy clothes, like a tight black bodysuit and a transparent while inhaling tons of smoke.

Helen has a really pleasant personality and she is absolutely at ease with her nicotine rushes. She illustrates her love for nicotine with a wide range of perfectly executed smoking tricks that make this video simply unique.

Date: October 7, 2023

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